Friday, January 23, 2009

The recession has hit. My assets are down 10%!!!

Can you believe it!?

I have lost 10% of my body weight. say that the following are benefits of losing 10% of your body weight...

A Healthier Heart

Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

More Pep

A Mental Edge

Reality Check

I certainly do feel different. And as I mentioned before I know I look different. But it is a bit startling to think that 4 or 5 months ago I was more likely to die than I am now. But that's probably more to do with the fact that my car was overdue a service than anything else. 

So you'll just have to put up with 90% of me. I won't be quite so dazzling, I might not be around as often cos there's less of me to go around and at times you might read this and think.... there really is something missing... but as I reduce in plumage I hope to increase in years. 

Swings and roundabouts eh?

I tell you something though... when I try on some of the stuff that is still too small for me, I still feel the pinch! Bring on the recession I say, I'm looking forward to a futher drop in my.... portfolio!

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