Thursday, July 23, 2009

Diet Schmiet

It's over three months since I have blogged! (Is "to blog" a verb?)

I decided to take a break from it as I was running out of things to say. Surely there are only so many crises you can publicly declare on the road to Slimville before you think to your self.... "oh just shut your mouth! that way you'll stop talking AND eating --- problem solved!"

This blog has been very theraputic. And it has helped me to understand and communicate my obsssion with food. And i think that obsession is fianlly waining.

So I am going to end this blog and start a new more general one.

It will be about food sometimes but will just be my thoughts on life, God, me and any other subject that catches my attention.

I hope you'll read my next one too.

Thank you all for reading and commenting, A xx