Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sitting out the doldrums in patience and hope

The other day I spent ages writing a post to go some way to explaining my absence over the past couple of weeks and my computer crashed and the whole thing disappeared. arrgghhh

I'll try to remember what I said but sometimes I don't think about what I am going to write, I just pause, close my eyes and start typing what ever is in my head. Of course there is some editing required as you can imagine....

Anyway, it went something like this...

It seems as if the honeymoon is over with me and my WW tracker. I'm not diving into the handbag anymore to find the tracker and add that half a point from the sugar I put on my coffee -- before I even put it in. I'm not working our the points of anything that has a label on it. And even the new style tracker from WW is just annoying and a faff to fold.

Any ridiculous excuse not to fill it in really.

It was inevitableI suppose. Have you seen that add where the girl and guy are sitting on the sofa getting amorous and she goes off to slip into something more comfortable, but when she comes down stairs a lot of time has passed, she has wax strips on her lip and complains that he left windows open upstairs and now it's freezing. The strap line is something like, "Things can change in an instant."

I feel a bit like that now. I'm a bit bored with this dieting thing. I'm fed up eating pitta bread and houmous. I'm not sure where the excitement went. I can feel and see a difference, others can see it too. But the day to day 'execution' (good word) of the plan is tedious now.

Now I come to something that I didn't write the other day. It was pointed out to me last night. (Thanks JL). I have lost sight of the reason why I started. It has become about the WW programme and not about the call of God to address my issues with food. It should be about His desire that I take care of this temple that he dwells in so that I can serve him better. Not only that, but also so that I totally to rely on him and not food for my comfort and filling.

I have a card on my desk. It has little positive sayings on it. The purpose of it is to remind me to say positive and affirming things to my husband. (I got it at a marriage seminar I went to last week -- excellent... but I digress...) One of the sayings on it is "You can do it!" And I think that I need to say it to myself too. I can do it. I CAN DO IT! I think so; my hubby thinks so and God thinks so.

Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength"

So let's get back on tracker...

You knew there'd be a pun didn't you :)


sometimestheycallmejc said...

Hey Amo

Richard Miles said...

Yes, my Darling, you CAN do it, through His strength.Love and totally support you. XX