Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Shoddy workmanship? Don't blame your tools!

The phrase user error or operator inaccuracy can be used about me -- a lot!

I have an ongoing argument with our I.T. guy in work. I say that the programme we use does not do all that we need it to do to look after our supporters properly; he says I just don't know how to use it properly... operator inaccuracy!

And if I go mad cos the printer's not printing or my guitar sounds awful, or my phone is acting up, I usually find that I haven't actually clicked 'print', the guitar is out of tune and my phone is on silent... user error!

I have all the tools I need to lose weight, to eat heallthily etc. I have trackers old and new, WW recipes, a points calculator, 3 sisters and numerous nieces and nephews that are also watching their weight, a supportive husband, and I even have a list of people who pray for me on a regular basis about this subject.

If WW was one of those collecters magazines with 12 weekly parts and a free something with each one to build up a compelete collection of... somethings, well I'd have the full set. The whole kit and kaboodle!!!

I mean holy laughing cow light! I should be 2 stone 5 pounds at this stage!!!

But... operator inaccuracy and user error, my old friends are always hanging around looking for a coffee and a chat (and a cream cake!)
And I'm afraid I have no answers to this mystery. Why, when I have all the tools I need I'm still not getting the job done?
And I can't even blame the instructions.
1. Eat less
2. Move more.
They're kind of 'IKEAesque' in their style aren't they. Just two sentences.
OK so diet instructions are easier to understand.
But they're just as hard to follow!!!

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