Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Shoddy workmanship? Don't blame your tools!

The phrase user error or operator inaccuracy can be used about me -- a lot!

I have an ongoing argument with our I.T. guy in work. I say that the programme we use does not do all that we need it to do to look after our supporters properly; he says I just don't know how to use it properly... operator inaccuracy!

And if I go mad cos the printer's not printing or my guitar sounds awful, or my phone is acting up, I usually find that I haven't actually clicked 'print', the guitar is out of tune and my phone is on silent... user error!

I have all the tools I need to lose weight, to eat heallthily etc. I have trackers old and new, WW recipes, a points calculator, 3 sisters and numerous nieces and nephews that are also watching their weight, a supportive husband, and I even have a list of people who pray for me on a regular basis about this subject.

If WW was one of those collecters magazines with 12 weekly parts and a free something with each one to build up a compelete collection of... somethings, well I'd have the full set. The whole kit and kaboodle!!!

I mean holy laughing cow light! I should be 2 stone 5 pounds at this stage!!!

But... operator inaccuracy and user error, my old friends are always hanging around looking for a coffee and a chat (and a cream cake!)
And I'm afraid I have no answers to this mystery. Why, when I have all the tools I need I'm still not getting the job done?
And I can't even blame the instructions.
1. Eat less
2. Move more.
They're kind of 'IKEAesque' in their style aren't they. Just two sentences.
OK so diet instructions are easier to understand.
But they're just as hard to follow!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sitting out the doldrums in patience and hope

The other day I spent ages writing a post to go some way to explaining my absence over the past couple of weeks and my computer crashed and the whole thing disappeared. arrgghhh

I'll try to remember what I said but sometimes I don't think about what I am going to write, I just pause, close my eyes and start typing what ever is in my head. Of course there is some editing required as you can imagine....

Anyway, it went something like this...

It seems as if the honeymoon is over with me and my WW tracker. I'm not diving into the handbag anymore to find the tracker and add that half a point from the sugar I put on my coffee -- before I even put it in. I'm not working our the points of anything that has a label on it. And even the new style tracker from WW is just annoying and a faff to fold.

Any ridiculous excuse not to fill it in really.

It was inevitableI suppose. Have you seen that add where the girl and guy are sitting on the sofa getting amorous and she goes off to slip into something more comfortable, but when she comes down stairs a lot of time has passed, she has wax strips on her lip and complains that he left windows open upstairs and now it's freezing. The strap line is something like, "Things can change in an instant."

I feel a bit like that now. I'm a bit bored with this dieting thing. I'm fed up eating pitta bread and houmous. I'm not sure where the excitement went. I can feel and see a difference, others can see it too. But the day to day 'execution' (good word) of the plan is tedious now.

Now I come to something that I didn't write the other day. It was pointed out to me last night. (Thanks JL). I have lost sight of the reason why I started. It has become about the WW programme and not about the call of God to address my issues with food. It should be about His desire that I take care of this temple that he dwells in so that I can serve him better. Not only that, but also so that I totally to rely on him and not food for my comfort and filling.

I have a card on my desk. It has little positive sayings on it. The purpose of it is to remind me to say positive and affirming things to my husband. (I got it at a marriage seminar I went to last week -- excellent... but I digress...) One of the sayings on it is "You can do it!" And I think that I need to say it to myself too. I can do it. I CAN DO IT! I think so; my hubby thinks so and God thinks so.

Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength"

So let's get back on tracker...

You knew there'd be a pun didn't you :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The colder I get the hungrier I get... what's THAT about?

Ok it's no suprise to you that I want to eat. If you've been reading this blog for more than a nano second you'll have got that. But this cold spell is really playing havoc with my determination NOT to eat too much.

I'm SO hungry.

I don't just want food, I want MORE food, no twice that much, NO ALL OF IT, I WANT IT ALL! IT'S ALL MIIIIIIIINE (evil laughter etc....)

OK, phew! Glad I got that out of my system.

It's been a while since I ate while I was cooking. It was a terrible habit of mine. While the dinner was on I would eat a sandwich. I could not, no... would not, wait until the food was ready. I had to eat NOW.

And I have worked hard to get out of that habit and go back to enjoying the cooking experience and being ready for the meal when its ready.

I'm putting it down to the cold and it might not be it. But if it isn't then it's a big coincidence. The cold spell has had me heading for the fridge - big style. In fact last week I had dinner on, while the dinner was on I made a sandwich and while I was making the sandwich, I WAS EATING THE MEAT!! OUT OF CONTROL OR WHAT!!!

But I suppose the fact that I recognised it is a good thing.

I had to stay home from work yesteday cos of the weather. I stayed in my 'judith chalmers' and worked on some college stuff.
I was very strict with myself. I had a good brekkie. and left the kitchen straight away. Then I was determined to wait til 1 for lunch. I didn't do too bad. I tried to sneak out of the bedroom without seeing myself at about 12.30. I caught my self at the bottom step and after a good telling off (and some worried looks from people walking by the house) I had my lunch and went back upstairs.

It has been hard work; and I can sense the old habits trying to catch hold of me again. But like I said, I am aware of it. And scary as it is, it is certainly more empowering!!

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 says this...

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

Now don't misunderstand me, or that scripture. This is not about flagellation or deprivation. It is about discipline and control. Something I have lacked for a long time. The Bible also says that 'all thinga are permissable but not all things are beneficial". So yeah I can have what I like. But some of the time what I'd really like won't benefit me.

Ohhhhhhh it's suddenly gotten cold in here. Any one got anything warm I can borrow?

Like hot fudge Sundae...