People are starting to notice... and they're starting to say things.
It's true I am getting smaller. Even the new jeans I bought not so long ago are starting to slouch a bit. Although that could washing machine operator error!!
It's a weird feeling cos it's nice that people see it, and it's nice to know they can see it but I'd am a bit "scarleh" when they say it. And there's always the background dread of it being even MORE noticable when it goes back on.
Until now...
I am sticking my neck out here (although one 2.6 people read this anyway -- one of them is VERY small!) but I think this is it! I think that just maybe I have cracked this thing. This weight/eating/diet/hope/fear/food/madness circle I go around in seems to finally be slowing down.
Now I don't mean that I'll never put on weight again, or that I'll never struggle with it again, OR that I'll get to the official Weight Watchers target for me. (Which by the way would mean I'd need to be tied to one of those sparkly weights that keep helium balloons from floating off up to the rafters; or else I'd have to be shot down with a pellet gun or something.)
However good, or even just different, I look -- it's even better on the inside. I think that is the difference this time. The change is an inner one! For me it's been more than just 'getting into the zone' it's been about a change of heart.
I wonder will people see the difference on the inside? I wonder will I start to get comments like... You sound well, you seem better, you are stronger! For now it's enough to know it myself; we'll just have to see as time goes on who notices what...
All I'll say is that if ever you find my jeans in a heap on the floor.... don't look up at the rafters!
Adventures in baking (continued)... Pizza Rolls!
12 years ago
Hey Sweetheart, just wanted to say I always enjoy your journal. I don't know if my reading it even gets registered by your blog, because it comes through to a news feed on my homepage (so I don't actually go to your blog page as such that often). But I does get read xxx
Hey Sweetheart, just wanted to say I always enjoy your journal. I don't know if my reading it even gets registered by your blog, because it comes through to a news feed on my homepage (so I don't actually go to your blog page as such that often). But I does get read xxx
I think it's great, my Darling. I really want to encourage you to keep going. I will be with you every step of the way :-) XXX
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