Monday, March 9, 2009

Is there any point in no-point soup?

I have recently started to make soup again. Now this might not sound like a drastic development but you must understand that I had a serious aversion to soup for many years.

My mammy, who has been gone almost four years now, used to make 0 point soup for me when I was on WW the first time. (This is my third time in case I never mentioned it!) I ate the soup every day for weeks and weeks. Mammy would make a huge pot of if and freeze portions of it in little suitable for freezer containers. Then the next day make another huge pot of it and... so on. I got to the stage where the sight of it made me feel suddenly full! But bless her, she just kept making it.

One time when I think she sussed I was getting a bit fed up, she asked me what my favourite veg was and she would make some soup for me. At the time it was mushrooms. So she bough a 4 stone bag of mushrooms and off she went....

We ended up with pot fuls of black soup!
It was black with little white flecks.
It went into the freezer for a few weeks and then down the sink.

I didn't want to look at soup for years after that. The thoughts of it made me gag!

But a couple work mates who are soup fans/fiends have restored my faith in soup (thanks DF and SM); and recently the 0 point soup is back on the menu.

And it's lovely... Let me share some of my recipes...

I've made carrot, parsnip and celery soup.
Parsnip, carrot and red onion
Carrott, red onion, parnisp and celery
Parsnip, celery, carrott, red onion and some extra carrot
And my favourite has to be carrot, extra carrot, parsnip, celery, red onion and extra parsnip

I can sense that I'm going to have to buy some suitable for freezer containers if I'm not careful.

But at least my soup isn't black with white flecks.

There's definitely NO POINT in black soup!!!

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