So you DO read my blog. Well hello to you wiley blog readers who don't leave comments.
You're most welcome. So for today's thought...
Recently I spent a day in my pyjamas. 36 hours or so actually...
Have you ever had a PJ day? Now they are slightly different from Duvet Days. Duvet Days are for slackers who wake up and before they've stuck their toe out of the bed they know they won't go to work. But as soon as they've called in sick and updated their Facebook status to verify their illness, (it's is more reliable than a doctor's cert these days...) they are up, showered and on the sofa with a tub of Häagen-Dazs watching Murder She Wrote and Loose Women.
PJ Days are Saturdays so it is permissable (but not always beneficial!) slacking. Maybe it was buying new PJs that inspired this day, but it wasn't an inspiring day so I doubt it!!
I wish I could say that I spent the day meditating on a Psalm and making a list of things to thank God for and praying through it. But no. I didn't! Nor did I write any Christmas cards, or even start my list. I do thank God for the day though. I genuinely felt unwell when I woke up but know that the rest did me good.
"What DID you do?" I hear you cry. (I really will have to do something about the voices in my head!) Well, I watched a couple of films (4 actually), I played Tetris for a bit (well over an hour), I looked out the window thought deep thoughts (for about 3 minutes). And ate!
AHHHH yeah you were waiting for the food reference weren't you...
Would you believe I was fed all day by my beloved?! Oh yes. He made my breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. I was furnished with drinks all day (Adam's Ale mainly, I mean come on...) And it was wonderful!
But was it a wasted day?
All depends on your definition of valuable time I suppose.
I'll say one thing.. It was a great day and my new PJs are VERY comfortable. Might just have to buy another pair -- but I can't really afford it.
Ah I have an idea!
Dear Santa,
I've been a really good girl this year.......
Adventures in baking (continued)... Pizza Rolls!
12 years ago
It was a pleasure to look after you, my Darling. XXX
Hi sister Blogger,
Santa says would you please email your christmas list to your sister and she will pass on relevant information to Kris Kindles etc. You know that once you are into November it's pointless writing to Santa, he's up to his eyes.
I'm glad you had a PJ day, they are different to duvet days but just as good. But do you know what's even better PLANNED PJ DAYS, they are amazing. I usually have one or two over Christmas and I find myself already looking forward to this year's. And I think you're right new PJs can have a very positive effect.
So my advice is to plan your next PJ day, have your chosen films ready, allowable goodies, lots of H2O,somebody to cook for you is a definite advantage and the best part is the whole thing is guilt free.
Talk soon.
Love Liz xxx
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