Well I was right!
I haven't blogged in over a year. And what a year it has been.
My life has taken a turn for the better. And I am grateful to God for the new direction me and my beloved are heading in... but more of that later.
These days my thoughts turn to points. Not reward points from my club card, or 4 points for being caught speeding or even prizes!! which are apparently made of points!!!
No these days I am obsessed (in a healthy way) with weight watchers points.
Being someone of ample plumage I have decided to bite the bullet (the fat free one) and rejoin Weight Watchers. And when I say rejoin I mean for the 3rd time!
It is a real pain to be fat! Or should I say.... really painful!
For years it has defined me. A source of regular lectures from aunties and the reason that Stuart Morell told everyone in his class that he would rather go out with a pregnant cow than go out with me. So I told everyone in my class that Morellier fancied animals and laughed -- but boy it hurt!
And still I have cute little grand-nieces who poke my stomach and ask me what that is if it isn't a baby. I calmly and bravely explain that I eat too much and it's just my belly. But it hurts.
For some reason being fat is unacceptable! Where did my 4 year old grand niece learn that???????? Her mother my niece, loves me and I'm sure doesn't teach her daughter not to grow up to be like 'big fat aunty amo'. So where do they learn it?
My thoughts on the journey have turned to food. Or lack there of.
If you're on a similar journey please leave a comment.
I'd love some company. It's a long road!!!
Adventures in baking (continued)... Pizza Rolls!
12 years ago
You can do it Amo. We can share this road together! <3
Hey Baby. I am with you 100% in this. With God's help we'll get there!
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