Hi all
I've been hiding from you I'm afraid.
I've attempted to write a few times over the last few weeks but have found I have nothing to say. (Who'd have thought it!!!)
I suppose I'm a bit of a fair weather blogger. I find it hard to write when I'm down in the dumps. All I do is talk about being down in the dumps, why I'm down in the dumps, how long I've been down in the dumps, the state of the dumps... and even IF you're happy to read it, I'm not too fussed on writing it!
My state now??? Well I suppose you could call me "up in the dumps".
I'm a bit more upbeat, and ready to tackle the food thing again.
Over the last few weeks the WW situation has been all over the place. At worse up 5; at best down 5 and everything in between. But I must remember that I am still down by more than 2.5 stone and this is a life long journey. So a few wobbly weeks (if you'll excuse the expression) can be dealt with...
So, what do to... I suppose I should think about it. I'll make a big mug of coffee and have some... ah ah ahhhhh NO! Naughty Amo! Smack botty!!!
Some leave and comment and tell me it'll all be ok!! Pleeeeeeease
Adventures in baking (continued)... Pizza Rolls!
12 years ago