Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year Revolutions!

Well so far I don't think I have done too bad! It's hard to judge really. I actually wish that I could go to WW this week and get it over with and get going again. But I have another week to go... 

OK confession time..

Chocolate Kimberley... Lots
Bread sauce... Lots, but not enough
Trifle... Once
Christmas Pudding... Twice
Roses... Not too many actually, must count the papers in the cup (guffaw guffaw)
Christmas Cake... I suppose if you average it out over the entire season it won't look so bad!
Turkey dinner... two
White bread... some
Marks and Spencer Chocolate and Toffee Biscuits... a whole box (but there is only 9 in a  box so if you even it out over....)
Salad... none
WW Zero point soup... none
Vegtables... only those mashed with or smothered in butter so I don't think they count as veg by that stage

So all in all it wasn't a bad Christmas day! Wish I could remember what I ate all the other days though...

Only kidding blog readers... panic not!

So my New Year Revolution will be... not sure actually. 
It'll no doubt be something to do with food. I am obsessed with it... haven't you noticed?

But the New Year is a great slate cleaner. We can start again. I know we regularly need to start again but the 1st of the 1st does have that extra bit of incentive. 

My hope is that I'll eat less rubbish and more wholesome stuff. And not just edible stuff, the spiritual larder could do with an overhaul too. But that's for another blog....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Twas the night before Christmas...

and all thro the house
Not a biscuit was eaten
Not even a choclate kimberley

Nah... it's not scanning and it's not true. 

Christmas tomorrow -- well later today actually and already I am full. 

Those darned Walkers Sensations Crisps. 

I'll try to be honest about my Christmas gorging.... Hardly anyone reads this anyway...

Although I do know of one or two :o)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Repeat after me... "I will not spend Christmas looking for what I've lost!"

By the end of Christmas Day how much will1 I have eaten?

I went over the "2 stone off" mark last week and I don't want to undo the work I've done, so I need to be careful. Some handy hints that I have been given are these.

1. Take Christmas Day and St. Stephen's Day totally off AS LONG AS you count up to the end of Christmas eve and start again on the 27th.

2. To help stem the tide of Roses eating, put every empty wrapper in a designated cup and no matter how bad count the wrappers at the end of each day. It will make you more aware of each sweet.

3. Christmas dinner is only another dinner. It may have an extra roastie or be smothered in bread sauce (yum yum) but it's a dinner. Enjoy it! (It's the food before and after it that's the problem!)

Sounds easy doesn't it. Problem is that most Christmas days I have Roses for breakfast. I'd have to have numerous "designated mugs" on the go. One in every room!

But there must be a way of handling food at Christmas.

My alternative handy hints are these.

1. Eat as much as you like on Christmas Day and St. Stephen's Day but jog on the spot for the whole of those two days. Not only are you constantly working off what you are eating but it's actually very hard to pour brandy butter over Christmas pudding if you are constantly on the move. Most of it will be spilled on the table... less points :)

2. Put all the Roses in the mug and just have empty wrappers in the tin... no points at ALL :)

3. As Christmas dinner is just another dinner get the biggest platter you can find put a normal dinner on it and then fill the empty space with mince pices, sherry trifle and... Roses. Let's see who's dinner is just another dinner NOW!?

I've decided to enjoy Christmas. Sometimes you have to determine in you heart to enjoy it! Tis the season to be jolly (and bloated).

And remember on Christmas Day.... Eat, Drink and be Merry... for tomorrow we diet!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Have you got enough Christmas Carbs?

I got an email from a colleague in the states and in the middle of this business email she commented on the fact that they had just celebrated Thanksgiving and threw in the sentence... "My favorite traditional thanksgiving food is mashed potatoes!"

I thought, what a mental thing to say! But you know it was quite encouraging to know that I am not the only one who is obsessed with food; especially Carbohydrates!!!

Two words - Bread Sauce. (Or is it one word -- Breadsauce? Anyway...) It's my favourite traditional Christmas food! There! I have said it.

I love bread sauce and lots of it; all over my Christmas dinner. My husband is more a gravy man. Personally I can't see the joy of ruining a perfectly good dinner with gravy. He has a similar opinion on bread sauce though...

But it is typical of my obsession with food to associate the smells and tastes of Christmas fare with the season itself. The ham on the boil, the cinnamon scent of mulled wine, the clove scent of breadsauce, a slight whiff of Guinness off the pudding (and a strong whiff of Guiness off my Dad)!

I assciate these smells with the love and joy of being with my family. I love love LOVE Christmas and buying and wrapping gifts for me is as much fun as getting them. HONESTLY!

But I wonder on the first Christmas what the smells were?

The musty small of animals? The yeuchy smell of their waste? The stale smell of straw? The numerous body odours from two people who had travelled a long way, one of whom giving birth? Was it cold? Was it wet? Was it draughty?

It's not exactly chestnuts roasting on an open fire is it?!

But love, joy, family and gifts -- they we all there.
The love of God; God Himself coming to earth. The joy of the angels as they sang their Gloria, This new little family must have been amazed as the visitors kept arriving from all over the place. Did they realise that his arrival meant that we could all be part of God's family?
And what a gift? God definitely invented the concept of giving.
Giving his Son, who gave His life.

I've completely lost the carbs link but does it matter?